For 2024, ApprenticeFutures are teaming up with the London Evening Standard’s Step-Up expo at Olympia (London) where we propose running an ‘ApprenticeFutures’ themed section, specifically for the communication, media and print sectors.
STEP-UP EXPO – Inspiring Teen Choices, 28-29 June 2024 (
For potential exhibitors there is an opportunity for you to promote your company’s apprenticeship scheme and to be involved in the work we do for apprentices and apprenticeships, under our brand name ‘ApprenticeFutures.’
We are very excited about this opportunity, which gives us the chance to engage with far more delegates (7000+) and be part of a bigger careers event that will raise the profile of ApprenticeFutures and yourselves.
If you would like to exhibit at the is event please contact David Wain at who is co-ordinating the Expo and can tell you more about how we plan to run the event within the bigger exhibition.
Bookmark our page for details of new events coming up.
Past Events

‘This year’s annual careers festival was a great success! We were delighted to be joined by some of the UK’s top employers and learning providers, who shared the exciting opportunities that they had available and how young people could prepare for their future careers. We were also joined by current apprentices who shared their own top tips, advice and apprenticeship journeys. Find out more about how the event went down in this article written by Jonathan Kanengoni, an Evening Standard apprentice supported by the Stationers’ Company.’